

0800 129 130


0274 893 043 


100 Strachan Road, RD1, Motueka, NZ


Silvicultural Systems

Tomorrow’s Forests recognises that by planting higher value timbers and incorporating other non-timber benefits such as carbon sequestration, a wider range of management options become available which complement the conventional clearfell model.

Tomorrow’s Forests has direct experience with planning, costing, and using alternative silviculture systems which include:

  • Natural regeneration without harvesting.
  • Natural regeneration, with continuous canopy harvesting.
  • Planted with no harvesting.
  • Planted with continuous canopy harvesting (small group selection)
  • Planted with continuous canopy harvesting (shelterwood and coupes)

Depending on site conditions, seed sources and the owners objectives, both planting and natural regeneration could be used to establish forests, woodlots & woodlands, and amenity & riparian areas. Similarly for the restoration of natural forest or the conversion of exotic plantation back to indigenous forest. However, the establishment of plantations and urban forests would be by planting only.

Determining the most suitable tree species or mix of species to be planted and devising the optimal silvicultural system and tending regimes are aspects of forest planning and management which Tomorrow’s Forests specialises in.